Lloyd McCarter and The Honky Tonk Revival Concert Tickets
Do you love traditional country dance music? We are thrilled to welcome the Lloyd McCarter and The Honky Tonk Revival Band back to the stage on Saturday, April 5th at 7:30 pm! Doors open at 6:45 pm for social time featuring a cash bar and savory snacks by Jubilee Events & Catering!
Raised in the poetry of old time twang, Lloyd McCarter has been immersed in traditional country music his entire life. Lloyd's mother and father were both from musical families and Lloyd's destiny was set into motion when the two families were joined by their love of music. Lloyd started playing guitar at either and touring with a band fresh out of high school. Lloyd's combination of great showmanship, musical prowess, and traditional country style always gets the crowd on their feet!
Tickets will go on sale soon at The Golden Husk 308.730.8133, Ord Area Chamber office 308.728.7875, and online at goldenhuskarts.org. $20/person, $85/table of four, $125/table of six, $165/table of eight